
FoxPanel – SMM Panel Script is an online social media marketing tool (web application) that allows and helps you to sell your Social Media Marketing Services with an easy to use panel. You can provide quality and cheap SMM Services to your customers, they can buy all packages or services like Facebook likes, Instagram followers, Twitter followers, Youtube Viewers and many more using your the panel. You can create as many as services & packages according to your expertise, this is a completely dynamic panel. Whether it is something you need for your social media accounts or you are a SMM services reseller, you will find it all here


Before installing SmartPanel, please make sure following PHP requirements and extensions are installed and enabled on your server:

PHP versionPHP version 5.6 ~ 7.1
allow_url_fopenallow_url_fopen=On (php.ini file)
PHP cURLRequired. (Curl Library, Curl_init Function and Curl_exec)
PHP OpenSSLRequired. (For secure data encryption.)
PHP PDORequired. (To create secure connection to MySQL server)
CronjobsRequired (The cronjobs must be configured for publising scheduled posts.)
ZipPHP zip extension is required (for updating, installing etc)
PHP CURLPHP CURL extension is required
Mod Rewrite EnabledRequired
Mbstring PHP ExtensionRequired

How to Install

Step-by-step guides to set up this script on your web application. Please read the following guide carefully.

  • Step 1 – Upload and Extract a Zip ArchiveUpload the installed zip archive to your web hosting. And then extract all files
  • Step 2 – Go to installation pageOpen your browser and go to installation page. (In this case, this is www.yourdomain.com)
  • Step 3 – Fill out all the requested informations.After redirecting to installation page, you have to fill the form with all the requested informations (database name, purchase code, admin account details…etc)
  • Step 4 – Finish InstallationClick Finish Button after filling all the requested informations on the step 3. You will see successfully message after few seconds, if everything is exactly.

How to add cronjobs 

To be able to send order, order status. Cron task must be configured on your hosting. In cpanel, you should click Cron task and fill this command at the command filed:

Cronjob for main Smartpanel script:

* * * * * wget --spider -O - http://yourwebsite.com/api_provider/cron/order >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - http://yourwebsite.com/api_provider/cron/status >/dev/null 2>&1
* * * * * wget --spider -O - http://yourwebsite.com/api_provider/cron/status_subscriptions >/dev/null 2>&1

  • If your hosting doesn’t support cron task, you should consider to migrate to another hosting or use crontask from the third services. (For example: wwww.easycron.com)
  • You have to replace http://yourwebsite.com/ to your domain. Fox example if you’ve installed the script to www.example.com, In this case, cron URL will be www.example.com/api_provider/cron/status

Add category

Admin Panel is completely dynamic, so you can add/update categories.

Guide Steps:

  1. Log into admin, Go to Category
  2. Click add new.
  3. Write Name of Category, description and Status which is active by default, choose sort number etc
  4. When you want to deactivate Service, just make status deactive.
  5. Click Save button

Add Service

Admin Panel is completely dynamic, so you can add/update services.

Guide Steps:

  1. Log into admin, Go to Service
  2. Click add new.
  3. Write Name of Service, description and Status which is active by default, choose sort number etc
  4. Price Per Single item. Ex: price for 1 Like = 0.01 etc
  5. Minimum quantity – Ex: 100
  6. Maximum quantity – Ex: 3000
  7. Click Save button

Place Mass Order

Any User can place orders in bulk (Mass Orders)

Guide Steps:

  1. Log into user, Go to Order/New Order
  2. Click Mass order tab
  3. Write order in each new line with the given format: service_id|link|id
  4. Click Place Order button

Paytm Integration 

To enable Paytm, you just need have Paytm Merchant ID and Paytm merchant key. follow the below steps to make Stripe payment gateway live.

Guide Steps:

  1. Login to your Paytm account and navigate to the API page.
  2. Collect the Paytm Merchant ID and Paytm merchant key from Product mode (not is test mode).
  3. Copy and paste all Paytm Merchant ID and Paytm merchant key to Setting page
  4. Click Save button

Google reCAPCHA

To enable reCAPTCHA, you’ll need a Google account. This Form Block integration uses reCAPTCHA V2, follow these steps to get necessary keys

Guide Steps:

  1. Go to Google reCAPTCHA website https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin and find “Register a new site” section
  2. Include any text in the “Label” field.
  3. Select “reCAPTCHA v2” (Check Box) type
  4. Enter your built-in domain and click the + icon. Repeat this process with any custom domains connected to your site. Use the formats yoursite.com, excluding https:// from the beginning. 
  5. Click Submit.
  6. Copy & paste the site and secret keys to Setting page in your app 

Stripe Integration 

Once testing is done and the payment process working properly, follow the below steps to make Stripe payment gateway live.

Guide Steps:

  1. Login to your Stripe account and navigate to the API page.
  2. Collect the API keys (Publishable key and Secret key) from Live Data.
  3. Copy and paste all Publishable, Private Key to Setting page
  4. Click Save button

Paypal Integration

To enable PayPal, you just need to create PayPal API Client ID and Client Secret.

Scan the code